@article{oai:aulib.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000995, author = {崔, 敏奎 and Choi, MinGyu}, issue = {51}, journal = {旭川大学短期大学部紀要, The journal of Junior College, Asahikawa University}, month = {Mar}, note = {This paper reveals the reality of efforts to create a place for child-rearing families through the independent activities of residents using the example of Bansong-dong, Busan Metropolitan City, South Korea. The residents of Bansong-dong created a community of practice where they could share their common desire to change the local environment for child-rearing-a common issue they were aware of. In addition to this, in their efforts to change the local child-rearing environment, they sought to beautify the said environment through activities that can be participated in as a family, such as “maeul murals” and “maeul family trips” (literally, village murals and village family trips), as well as building relationships where fellow child-rearing families support each other. Moreover, while seeking cooperation from various bodies such as local kindergartens and universities and through joint efforts from residents, they built a library, a place for child-rearing families, and developed beyond “independent activities” within the community for practice into “independent activities” in cooperation with various bodies. Local childcare workers were also involved in this process and aidedas individual residents. The fact that these activities that greatly changed efforts towards creating a place for local child-rearing families and the local child-rearing environment itself developed into “independent activities” of the residents is of great significance., 本稿は、韓国釜山市にある盤松洞の事例を通して、住民の「自主活動」による子育て家庭の居場所づくりの活動実態を明らかにしたものである。盤松洞の住民は、地域の子育ての環境を変えたいという共同の問題意識を共有できる実践コミュニティを作り、家族単位で参加できる「マウル壁画」や「マウル家族紀行」等の活動を通して地域の子育て環境の美化や子育て家庭同士で支えあう関係を構築するなど、地域の子育ての環境を変えていった。そして、地域の幼稚園や大学といった諸団体との連携や住民の協力を得ながら、子育て家庭の居場所である「図書館」を建てる等、実践コミュニティ内の「自主活動」を超え、諸団体と連携を図る「自主活動」として展開をみせていた。特に、このプロセスから地域の保育者も一人の住民として関わっていった。地域の子育て家庭の居場所づくりや地域の子育ての環境を大きく変えたこれらの活動は、住民の「自主活動」として展開したところに大きな意義をもっている。}, pages = {51--59}, title = {住民の「自主活動」による子育て家庭の居場所づくり ―韓国釜山市の盤松洞の事例を通して―}, year = {2021}, yomi = {チェ, ミンギュ} }