@article{oai:aulib.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000875, author = {五十嵐, 路子 and 林, 砂織 and 寺田, 真澄 and 荻野, ひとみ and Igarashi, Michiko}, issue = {49}, journal = {旭川大学短期大学部紀要, The journal of Junior College, Asahikawa University}, month = {Mar}, note = {In this study, we attempted to identify the future actions required by the therapists to utilize the Musico-Kinetic Therapy methodology, which consists of "music" and "exercise", for Mio Hayashi, a girl with Rett syndrome. The study was performed by reviewing the application of both "music" and "exercise "which are the two pillars of this therapy. The study is based on the 12 year report of the therapy by her mother, Saori Hayashi. As a result, we began to see the transformation that Mio has gone through which was not apparent on her day to day therapy sessions and also the tasks which her therapist could be practicing going forward. In addition, we were able to reaffirm the validity of the basic philosophy of the Musio-Kinetic Therapy, which would be essential in applying the therapy to other clients as well., 本研究は、レット症候群の少女、美桜さんの12年間に渡る音楽運動療法の経過を母親(林)の手記を通して振り返り、この療法の2本の柱である「音楽」と「運動」の切り口から、それぞれに考察を加えることで、今後の美桜さんの療法の課題を明らかにすることを目的としたものである。 その結果、毎回の療法の中では気づく事の出来なかった美桜さんの変化やセラピストとしての課題が見えてきたばかりではなく、更に他のクライエントの療法の実践にも繋がるような、音楽運動療法の本質的な理念へ立ち返る事ができた。}, pages = {1--8}, title = {音楽運動療法によるアプローチ : レット症候群の少女と母親の12年間の歩み}, year = {2019}, yomi = {イガラシ, ミチコ and ハヤシ, サオリ and テラダ, マスミ and オギノ, ヒトミ} }