@article{oai:aulib.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000521, author = {片山, 礼子 and Katayama, Reiko}, issue = {60}, journal = {旭川大学紀要, The journal of the Asahikawa University}, month = {Dec}, note = {The "Matsumusi" of posthumous works was written by Arishima Yasuko. She was Takeo's wife. She had been in hospital at Hiratsuka city from 1914 in January to next year in August. At that time, she composed tanka, Japanese poems of thirty-one syllables. There are seventy-one tanka in "Matsumushi". It's motif is the object of children and her's frame of mind. There were Yasuko's feerings in tanka's presentation. There are some differences between textof "Matsumushi" and letter's presentation. those were sent to Asuke Soiti and Suita Junsuke from Arisima Takeo. This analysis is important theme in study on Arishima Takeo. This study has been thaught these tanka's differences., 論文, Article}, pages = {91--100}, title = {有島安子『松むし』論71首の短歌の分析・考察を中心に(その一)}, year = {2005}, yomi = {カタヤマ, レイコ} }