@article{oai:aulib.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000464, author = {姜, 興起 and 任, 向実 and Jiang, Xing-Qi and Ren, Xiangshi}, issue = {55}, journal = {旭川大学紀要, The journal of the Asahikawa University}, month = {Jun}, note = {A procedure of analysis of variance (ANOVA) using AIC (Akaike information criterion) statistics is introduced and applied to the analysis of the data on personal digital assistant (PDA). Several basic concepts of AIC statistics are reviewed in Section 2. In Section 3, a procedure of ANOVA based on F-test and a procedure of ANOVA using AIC statistics are shown, and then a numerical simulation is given in order to compare these two procedures. In Section 4 the procedure of ANOVA using AIC statistics is applied to the analysis of the data which is obtained from an experiment on a PDA. The main advantages of the procedure of ANOVA using AIC statistics are as follows, (1) It can give a unique result for testing statistical hypotheses. (2) It is easier to be programmed. (3) The results of this procedure are independent of the significance level that is difficult to be determined objectively. The results of the simulation show that the procedure of ANOVA using AIC statistics can lead a better performance than that using F-test. The results of the PDA data analysis are very useful for the pointing device design., 論文, Article}, pages = {61--84}, title = {情報量統計学の方法を用いた携帯情報端末における実験データの分散分析}, year = {2003} }