@article{oai:aulib.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000094, author = {高橋, 智美}, journal = {旭川市立大学保健福祉学部研究紀要, The Journal of Faculty of Health and Welfare Science, Asahikawa City University}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究の目的は,Post-NICU退院支援モデル構築に参画した患児の母親の QOLの変化について明らかにすることである。対象は地方都市にある病院の Post-NICU病床に入室している患児母親で,研究参加に同意が得られた者6名とし,SEIQoL-DWを用いて半構成面接を実施した。本法は、研究参加者の生活の質の領域(以下 Cueと称す)の満足度のレベルを記録し,重みづける方法である。各参加者の QOL 領域の相対的な重視度を決定した上で QOL指標である SEIQoLindexscoreを算出した。その結果,Post-NICU退院支援モデル構築参画後に「患児」及び患児に関する Cueのレベルが向上した事例は4例であり,Cueの名称「患児」の重視度が増加した事例は1例であった。また,モデル構築参画後に QOLが向上した家族が2例,見せかけの向上があった母親が2例,低下した母親が2例であった。事例によってはモデル構築参画により患児に対する前向きな感情が生じ,患児に関する満足度が向上したことが考えられた。モデル構築までに時間を要しため,患児・母親の環境変化やライフイベントに伴う個人特性の変化が影響を及ぼすことも考えられたが,対象によっては退院支援モデル構築参画で患児に目が向くとともに,QOLの向上に繋がる可能性が示唆された。, The purpose of this study was to clarify the changes in Quality Of Life (QOL) in mothers of infant patients who participated in post-NICU discharge support model construction, and thereby verify the effectiveness of such participation. Participants were six mother s of infant patients in post-NICU sickbeds who provided consent to participate in the study. We conducted semi-structured interviews using the SEIQoL-DW. Participants recorded labels for QOL areas (hereafter referred to as “cues”) and the relative importance of these cues was measured with a weighting method and subsequently calculated using the SEIQoL index scores. QOL improved in two cases, improved falsely in two other cases, and declined in two cases. Results showed that “child” and “child-related” cue levels improved in four cases, cue weight improved in one case, and QOL improved after participation for two of the six cases. In addition, because the families previously did not pay much attention to the sick child, this study provided an opportunity for them to improve on this aspect. Families who had participated in the model building viewed the past in a better light. Because it took time to construct a discharge suppor tmodel, it was thought that changes in the personal characteristics of children/mothers and changes in personal characteristics due to life events could have an impact. However, in some cases, positive emotions were experienced after participating in the discharge suppor tmodel building, which suggested that it could lead to the improvement of QOL.}, pages = {3--12}, title = {Post-NICU退院支援モデル構築に参画した母親のQOLの変化~ SEIQoL-DWを用いた調査から~}, volume = {1}, year = {2024}, yomi = {タカハシ, トモミ} }