@article{oai:aulib.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000024, author = {若城, 康伸}, issue = {82}, journal = {旭川大学経済学部紀要, The journal of Faculty of Economics Asahikawa University}, month = {Mar}, note = {Electricity industry around the world has experienced liberalization. This essential industry consists of three sectors — an electricity generation, transmission, and retail (and distribution) sector —, and the degree of the liberalization is generally different among the sectors; in many countries or regions the generation and retail sector have been liberalized, while the transmission sector has not faced liberalization. Previous studies have analyzed the effects of the liberalization using the industry-level data because the electricity industry in input-output tables does not have sector-level data. In this study, we estimate the sector-level data of the electricity industry by using annual reports of the electric power companies, and we find that the industry-level data which are used by previous studies may lead to wrong policy decisions.}, pages = {15--35}, title = {Estimating sector-specific data of the electric power industry to analyze the electricity system reform: the case of Japan}, year = {2023}, yomi = {ワカシロ, ヤスノブ} }