@article{oai:aulib.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000181, author = {宮下, 郁男 and Miyashita, Ikuo}, issue = {73}, journal = {旭川大学経済学部紀要, The journal of Faculty of Economics Asahikawa University}, month = {Mar}, note = {The Subject of this paper is the accumulation of industrial capital during prosperity periods in mid 19th century. I study from two angles, the reality of the logic of the balanced accumulation orbit and the uniform accumulation of the organic composition of capital in this paper. The accumulation of the production sector of means of production reached the peek faster than that of articles of living during any trade cycles in 19th century. The organic composition of capital advanced as well as the technological composition of capital in same periods, too. Therefore, if we call our attention to these facts, we cannot put the balanced accumulation orbit and the uniform accumulation of the organic composition of capital into the pivotal element of the accumulation of capital during prosperity period which leads to economic crisis., 論文, Article}, pages = {15--35}, title = {基軸国の好況期における産業資本の蓄積の特徴 : 19世紀中葉のイギリスに焦点を当てて}, year = {2014}, yomi = {ミヤシタ, イクオ} }