@article{oai:aulib.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001036, author = {黒川, 伸一 and Kurokawa, Shinichi}, issue = {81}, journal = {旭川大学経済学部紀要, The journal of Faculty of Economics Asahikawa University}, month = {Mar}, note = {In this paper, I will explore the possibility and direction of the definition of "machizukuri", which is used as a legal concept in the machizukuri-kihon-jourei. First, I will study the concept of "machizukuri" in the field of city planning, and after reviewing the results, introduce the discussions of the concept of "ibasyo" in the fields of pedagogy and psychology. Second, I referred to American studies on A Place for Us (Benjamin R.Barber) and Home (Nel Noddings) to deepen the discussion on the issues that emerge from these discussions of the concept of "machizukuri" and "ibasyozukuri". Finally, based on the above discussion, after understanding "machi" to some extent, I will suppose the direction of "machizukuri" as a legal concept.}, pages = {41--71}, title = {法概念としての「まちづくり」}, year = {2022}, yomi = {クロカワ, シンイチ} }